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Kromasol is a Mexico-based company that specializes in food & herbal supplements. Every groundbreaking business begins with a simple idea and Kromasol USA is no different. Our mission and vision were clear from the very beginning, and provided the perseverance and drive necessary to create a true game-changer that’s been recognized throughout the industry. Join our growing family of happy customers by ordering yours today.

“…living with diabetes is a very restrictive lifestyle, having to take medication constantly and even injections of insulin, gets very tiring after a while but you have no choice. Thanks to these products, KOSMOS, HYPERNOVA, NX and with my doctor’s advice, I was able to reduce and after a while even stop taking all the pills and medications. This is a simple yet remarkably effective way to help your body organs to restore their natural functions. I highly recommend them”



“ started with some very sharp pains in my stomach area that made me go to the emergency room. They took X-Rays and Ultrasounds and found several stones in my kidney. They told me a surgery would have to be scheduled soon to remove them.  My brother knew Kromasol products could help me and suggested to start drinking the products in abundance, particularly JUPITER. I returned to the hospital for my pre-op check 15 days later only to find out that the stones were dissolved and there was no need for surgery. I am very thankful, and I can say they really work.”



“…getting ready for the matches is always intense and I needed something to help me stay lean, focused and free of all the headaches from overworking my body. When I implemented HYPERNOVA and ANDROMEDA into my daily meals and routine, even my coaches noticed the difference. My performance increased, my stamina would last longer, and I my recuperating time decreased by a third of the time. My body got a better definition and am incredibly happy with the results. These products work! If you are in any kind of sport, you need them yesterday.”



“…am in my late 40s and with age sometimes your body starts to suffer the footprints of time. During one of my yearly checkups, I was told I needed to work on lowering my cholesterol and triglycerides levels. This was caused because I had a fatty liver. I looked online for ways to help these symptoms and found Kromasol. I decided to give HYPERNOVA, KOSMOS RED and NX a try since they are natural, and FDA approved. Within a week I could feel the results, and what is even better, my intimate performance with my wife got rekindled, and you know what they say, happy wife, happy life. Thank you Kromasol”



“…while coming down a hill in Stone Mountain Park, I tripped and broke my ankle in 3 places. To make things worse, I was going upstairs back to my apartment, jumping in one foot, and I missed a step, fell again, and broke it in 2 more places, 5 total fractures.  Went to the doctor, x-rays, cast, the whole nine yards. They told me I would not be able to walk normal for 2 to 3 years after surgery. I needed something to help me get back on track, quick. It was then when I started drinking a mix of Hypernova, Kosmos, NX and Kosmos RED 3 to 4 times a day.  Also, I would pour Jupiter on my foot externally, while drinking it internally, twice sometimes three times a day, every day. Everyone was amazed because after only 3 months I was out of the cast, no crutches, able to start placing my foot on the ground. Doctor reviewed new X-rays stated everything was healing incredibly quick and I was back to normal by the end of the 5th month. I would highly recommend these products to anyone who needs a quick recovery, the key is, consistency, drink your products every day. Your body will thank you”


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